martedì 18 aprile 2017

Global Greens: Liverpool declaration 2017


The world faces disturbing and dangerous trends. Multiple actors are organising to combat the challenges these trends present. The Global Greens as agents of change, promoting a sustainable, just, peaceful, free and democratic future for human civilization on the Earth, have joined innumerable battles in pursuit of our shared values. We pledge to cooperate even more strongly in the future to make the fundamental transformations needed to return to future generations the world that we have only borrowed from them. Environmental crises, inequality and conflicts are growing, prompting calls for political and societal change. Unscrupulous authoritarian leaders and right-wing politicians are exploiting this dissatisfaction. Using populist means, they blame virtually all problems on minorities, on dissenters, on the ‘other’, especially migrants and asylum seekers. For real problems, such as climate change or austerity and social division, leaders like Mr Putin, President Trump, President Erdogan, President Duterte and others offer imaginary solutions. We Greens are the opposite – we seek to replace fear with hope, hatred with compassion, racism with respect for all.   We Greens offer a politics which is both practical and visionary.  We believe in a society that respects diversity, promotes peace, creates real democracy, challenges inequality and, above all, respects both nature and future generations.  These Green values set out in our Charter, are common to Green Parties right across the planet.  While we respect the diversity of Green Parties, we hold both to common principles and a practical approach to putting them into action. 

CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is the biggest threat we face, a threat to people, to human society, to the environment and to the future. We Greens commit to acting swiftly on climate change to meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Clean electricity for all Solar, wind and other renewable sources can power the planet. Greens are working to give everyone access to clean electricity while eliminating nuclear power and rejecting new large scale dams and industrial scale biomass energy. Keep fossil fuels in the ground We Greens are campaigning to end fossil fuel subsidies in G20 countries by 2020 and for fossil fuel divestment by governments and public agencies at all levels. Greens oppose fracking, new or expanded coal mines, and offshore oil and gas drilling. Protect the forests Natural forests are part of the climate solution, as are other natural environments. Greens will protect them. Compensate for loss and damage We Greens commit to helping vulnerable countries achieve remedies including under international law for loss and damage caused by climate change.

ECOLOGY Earth systems on which all life depends are being destroyed, polluted or degraded at unprecedented rates. Without urgent transformational change to bring human activity within the limits of global sustainability the consequences are potentially catastrophic. Greens are uniquely placed to lead collective action towards ecological sustainability and resilience at all levels from local to global. Liverpool Declaration 2 April 2017 Protect and restore nature We Greens are committed to protecting and restoring biodiversity and critical ecosystems including forests, oceans, ice caps and mountain glaciers. Transform essential human support systems We Greens promote an ecological economy and new governance arrangements that support sustainable food, water and urban systems. Greens are committed to ecological sustainability. Greens are advocates for animals, promoting compassion for other species and challenging factory farming and other forms of cruelty.

DEMOCRACY We will not be successful in tackling climate, environmental and social issues without a vigorous democracy. We believe that participatory democracy allows citizens to develop effective solutions to the problems we face. Enable representation We Greens are committed to removing barriers to political representation such as high nomination fees and prohibitive party registration rules and bringing in proportional representation. We condemn anti-democratic practices such as one-party rule and ‘president for life’. Greens will join election observer missions where possible. Empower women to participate fully in political life We Greens will cooperate to remove barriers to women’s participation in politics and promote and advance equal participation by women in all facets of political life. We will support and amplify the work of the Global Greens Women’s Network. Encourage young people to become politically engaged We Greens will actively encourage youth participation in every aspect of political life. We will work with the Global Young Greens to empower young people within the framework of participatory democracy. Re-commit to the Green Shield The Green Shield launched in 2001 mobilises Green parliamentarians and activists to assist in the defence of Greens under threat. It is a mechanism to put pressure on governments where people are imprisoned, tortured, deprived of their rights or living under extreme threat. Governments not corporations set public policy We Greens will work to reclaim public space and power and reverse the corporate hold on democracy. We will dismantle provisions in trade agreements that give foreign corporations the power to sue countries in secretive tribunals outside normal legal frameworks (Investor State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms). We Greens commit to cooperate against exploitation and ecological damage caused by transnational and foreign-domiciled corporations such as by Canadian mining companies in Latin America and Shell in Nigeria in particular exposing their activities and impacts in the parliaments of the corporation’s home country. Defend civil society We Greens stand for self-determination of every individual and for all civic groups and for societal self-organisation. We cherish every advance in creating more space for civil society and its organisations and oppose any infringement by authoritarian regimes or tendencies. Defend media freedom We Greens promote respect for media freedoms and all civil liberties. We reject illegal detention of journalists and repression of independent media.

SOCIAL JUSTICE We Greens advocate a more equal society. Inequality is damaging to all, and stark inequalities in income and wealth create poverty and lead to social corruption. Whilst globalisation has created wonderful opportunities for social progress and new possibilities, the negative side has included huge growth in the wealth and power of a tiny minority. Inclusion and equality is the key to improving quality of life for everybody. Gender and sexual identity We Greens promote liberation and diversity.  We reject a society where women are not fully equal and argue that the empowerment of women is a precondition for core green values.  We recognise that gender is not binary and gender identities are diverse.  Greens have long promoted equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and intersex communities.   Liverpool Declaration 2 April 2017 Migration and refuge We Greens defend the right to seek asylum and champion the rights of migrants. We reject the politics of scapegoating them.  Climate change, global inequality, war and political conflict are accelerating the rise in refugee numbers. All governments, especially in the richest countries, have an obligation to deal with the causes of forced movements of populations and to help provide remedies. Tax justice We Greens commit to fighting tax evasion on national, regional and global levels and ensuring that corporations and wealthy people pay their fair share. Greens reject the conditions that permit eight super rich individuals to control as much or more wealth as 50% of the global population combined. Education We Greens advocate the right of every individual to a good education free of charge. Greens foster international exchanges between young people as an important contribution to democratic and internationalist education. As working conditions change, individuals must be given opportunities for life-long learning. Just transitions We Greens commit to provide just transitions for individuals and communities impacted by the changing nature and distribution of work flowing from environmental imperatives, the digital revolution and mechanisation.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT We Greens want to build a new economy of, by and for the people that protects ecosystems and respects nature. Economic transformation We Greens actively promote economic transformation strategies in industry, services and agriculture that combine economic success with sustainability imperatives according to the Sustainable Development Goals. These strategies will also curb monopolies, corporate privilege or control and land-grabbing. Live within planetary boundaries Infinite economic growth is impossible. We Greens commit to cooperate actively and urgently in making the shift to living within the safe and just operating space for humanity on the Earth. Develop societal innovation Green culture opposes consumerism. Greens support a circular economy where it is easy to reuse, repair and recycle.  We support a social economy based on common ownership through cooperatives and similar institutions, so that the economy will work for the majority.

PEACE Ecological issues, social justice, democracy and peace are linked. Only where people have democratic control and enjoy their civic and human rights, including women’s rights, will there be opportunities to solve contradictions peacefully. Humanity must craft rules at multiple levels that enable humans to adapt, learn and change overtime” (Elinor Ostrom) in order to hand down to future generations what we inherited. Nuclear-free world We Greens will work to end the mining, export and use of uranium, and campaign for nuclear disarmament Rule of law We Greens will work to sustain and further develop a multilateral international order with the United Nations at its core. We reject a system of international relations in which the powerful act as they will and the weak have to act as they are told. Fair trade Fair trade is a necessary condition for peaceful international development. We Greens oppose exploitation through trade which undermines a society. Reject militarisation We Greens reject militarisation of international relations. We will never accept the use of military means to change borders or to deprive a people of their freedom.

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